Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Words Stifled...

I don't know why we become busy,
Why all engagements make us dizzy,
All that was there gazes from far,
Looks to me like a dim, distant star,
On selfishness the mind delves,
Why do we keep running away from ourselves?

Silence serves a purpose they say,
But have we forgotten a shared way?
As we drift apart and look back at the start,
And try to fool the gullible heart,
Let us also remind ourselves of the long walks,
The simple sharing, laughter and the talks,
Oh, the things I want to still share with you,
And you might want to too...

Words stifled...silence is golden, that's what they say,
But words of friendship, of trust and love weren't fake anyway.
I've become poor, I don't know about you,
Well, in any case, words are very few...very few...very few...


Anonymous said...

words stifled with no reason why
explanations we would recieve only if we dared to accept what we so uninhibitedly thought and felt.

Anonymous said...

There is reason in everything. Sometimes, it takes long to figure out though... :)

polona said...

ah, kranti, but you are not poor... your words have power to connect, to share, to brighten someone's day... thank you.

Margie said...

Hi Kranti
I came over from Polona's blog to visit you!
You have a wonderful blog here with many beautiful poems!
Love this poem!
I agree with Polona...you are not poor...you share a magic in your wonderful words!
Have a great day!


J. Andrew Lockhart said...

Silence- this is why I do most of my work late at night.

Kranti said...

Merci Polona. You are very generous. Sometimes, claustrophobic silence brings about poverty. But friends will always be rich...amongst themselves.

Kranti said...

Thanks a ton Margie. I owe Polona a big one, for directing another friend to my blog. I will visit yours too. Thanks for visiting. Keep coming by...

Kranti said...

I know exactly what you mean Andrew. A fellow nocturnal workaholic typing here :)

gautami tripathy said...

Kranti, here is another nocturnal writer!

Kranti said...

Gautami, looks like we're a pack of zombies, us poets!

Flyaway Mind said...

hmmm..nostalgic memories of faded friendship.. sometimes, we take things for granded , when it's there..realize it only when things are out of our control...

Unknown said...

memories are the dew drops on our petals...that re-open the buds that have closed.